Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And
Mental Pain
Psychiatry Lessons For
High School
1.The 4 Best
Ways To Protect
Your Child From Alzheimer's
Science says 98% of Alzheimer's are preventable
What we know about
Alzheimer's today that we did not know two decades ago? Recent years have brought some surprising
news: Alzheimer's is a chronic degenerative illness that is often a
complication of many treatable conditions.
Alzheimer's is brain death. It's no different than how our hearts function and die. If you have high blood pressure kidney disease diabetes they may lead to heart attacks and death. The same is true for our brain. Below is my list for prevention.
Alzheimer's is brain death. It's no different than how our hearts function and die. If you have high blood pressure kidney disease diabetes they may lead to heart attacks and death. The same is true for our brain. Below is my list for prevention.
Avoid head injuries. Do not let your children
participate in any sport that risks concussions or any kind of head trauma.
Even one punch or a soccer ball striking a fragile brain is harmful. The more
traumas the greater the risk. Let's learn from NFL players and boxers.
Always maintain healthy blood pressure, blood
sugar and cholesterol .
Actively prevent and treat anxiety, excessive
worry depression, psychosis sleep apnea ,chronic pain. They all cause slow
brain degeneration.
Physical fitness: Exercise alone is not enough.
You must be fit. This generally means pulse rate 65 or below and body
temperature 36 C or below (rectal c).
2.The 4 Best Ways To Teach
Children When
To Lie
science says most adults lie occasionally or more often
Biology teaches us that living things often engage in
deception. This is as true for
unicellular organisms as well as more complex complex creatures such as
humans. The more intelligent and the more complex and organism the more
sophisticated and the more profound the gains from deception. Just imagine how
much we would have suffered if FDR had not baited and outsmarted the Japanese
Air Force at Pearl Harbor. FDR's brilliance was his conviction that unless
Americans felt the ravages of war there would be no American participation. The
second world war offered many examples of deception. Hitler lied to Stalin and
invaded Russia. Stalin lied to FDR and massacred 10,000 Polish officers who had
surrendered. Gen. LeMay lied to Pres. Truman and without Truman's authorization
dropped the second nuclear bomb on Nagasaki. After the war Alan Dulles then the
CIA director lied to Pres. Eisenhower to sabotage the scheduled dialogue between the world leaders.
Alan Dulles also lied to JFK and was
responsible for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Nixon lied and had to resign. Bill Belicek got caught at least once for cheating. Did not lose his job.Neither of them was faced with military conflict.
How about our ordinary lies of calling mentally ill homeless?
Here is my list of what to teach children about lies.
How about our ordinary lies of calling mentally ill homeless?
Here is my list of what to teach children about lies.
1.Lies are part of life . Lies are evolutionary tools for survival.
2. White lies are expected to be harmless
to others . It is intended to protect another human being. Many physicians
routinely lie to terminally ill patients.
3 .Covering up a lie is as common as lying.
4. Lying doesn't mean lack of integrity . People lie for many
reasons. NBC anchor Brian Williams hurt
himself did not hurt anybody.
3. The 4 Best Ways Preparing Your Child For A Racist World . Evolution And Racism
science says racism is in our DNA
What many of us may not appreciate about racism is its connection to our DNA.
As we living things have evolved we have developed more complex and more intelligent brains. Human brain has all the signature traits of evolution . Its architecture mimics the evolutionary tree with the vestiges of our mammalian ancestors well represented in the limbic brain . Our fight -flight responses are regulated by hippocampus hypothalamus and amygdala. They remain active in our brain under the governing influence of the prefrontal cortex brain, the brain region right beneath forehead.
As we living things have evolved we have developed more complex and more intelligent brains. Human brain has all the signature traits of evolution . Its architecture mimics the evolutionary tree with the vestiges of our mammalian ancestors well represented in the limbic brain . Our fight -flight responses are regulated by hippocampus hypothalamus and amygdala. They remain active in our brain under the governing influence of the prefrontal cortex brain, the brain region right beneath forehead.
In the jungle it's natural to fight or flee living things that are of different color, shape ,smell , motion. Animal brain reacts quickly. It's either a positive or a negative response. That's why it is natural for us to be more easily unnerved by strangers who are different than us.
Am I a racist just because my chest tightens up for a nano second when I walk by an African-American at night.?It is true that once I felt ashamed of myself and proud that I did not yield to my fearful genes by avoiding a black man.
Am I a racist just because my chest tightens up for a nano second when I walk by an African-American at night.?It is true that once I felt ashamed of myself and proud that I did not yield to my fearful genes by avoiding a black man.
A visceral response is different than consistent acts or pattern of hostile or avoidant behavior toward any group with different psychological or biological markers. Almost always instinctual responses are signs of life They are our DNA , they are our roots. No reason for shame. No logic to deny their existence. Thank God our PFX could govern them. Here is my list.
Teach your child
1. Darwin and evolution
2. Human brain
3. Hitler,Talat Pasha
4. Cerebrogenocide
4.The 4 Best Ways Of Preventing Your Child From Becoming Homeless
science says the great majority of all homeless are mentally ill
English language is rich with confusing words such as homelessness.
Science says the great majority of homeless are victims of brain disorders . To identify them as homeless is harmful because it leads to not very intelligent solutions.
People with broken brains need brain help. Of course they need food and shelter but the primary goal for any intervention should not be food or physical safety. Homeless veterans can teach us a lot about what's wrong with with our current approach. Homeless veterans have serious brain injuries. Some of it has to do with combat but not all.
Fragile minds who join the armed services will have a greater likelihood of becoming mentally ill under stress. The structure and the education that the armed services offer attract more people with greater socioeconomic challenges and often with bigger brain problems. So it's not surprising that so many veterans end up homes. Here is my list.
1. Prevent brain injuries. Do not lead your child participate in any export where head shots are allowed.
2. Identify mental problems . To not mislabel them as homelessness.
3. Educate your child, nurse, Dr. and politician about brain disorders.
4. Help ban boxing.
5. The 4 Best Ways Of Mastering
Fear Of Public Speaking , Flying
says they come from your rabbit brain
Recent advances have suggested that in
general most phobias -public speaking or flying- are caused by faulty brain
wiring in our rabbit brain. Or in Amygdala
,hypothalamus hippocampus that mediate our stress responses.
Just imagine a rabbit in an open field.
That's how your rabbit brain responds to your getting ready to speak before a
crowd. Your rabbit brain warns you ,you're vulnerable. The rabbit reminds you that you are in an
open field with many unknown or invisible enemies. Regardless of what your
prefrontal cortex – your Homosapien brain – tells you, you're still under siege
because of messages from your rabbit brain.
Not to run, not to panic not to faint you
need to comfort your rabbit brain and
reassure him that he is safe . Here's my list for treatment.
Educate yourself about your brain and your rabbit brain.
A glass of wine or smoking weed may calm your rabbit brain. Travel with
someone who knows how to deal with numerous pets or kids. Sorry you can't do
this for public speaking.
High schoolMany medications that calm the rabbit brain may be of
help. Xanax (alprazolam) can be very
effective and used on PRN or as necessary basis .SSRIs (Prozac, Paxil ,Celexa)
must be taken regularly to be effective. Beta blockers (Inderal etc) could also
help and be taken as necessary.
Short-term therapy with a
therapist willing to be with you
initially when you enter the war zone.
6.The 4 Best Ways To Improve ADD
science says ADD is both a natural gift and a handicap
Our brain has
different parts. When the prefrontal cortex- the brain region right beneath
forehead- is less than perfect then ADD is born. Of course the underlying causes
are multiple, some genetic and some acquired. The most common cause is damage
is from injuries that harm the prefrontal cortex. Any concussion even as
harmless as a soccer ball striking a
fragile brain may trigger a chain of events that would compromise prefrontal
cortex function.
The prefrontal
cortex is the ultimate boss of human behavior. Any weakness exacerbates
problems with concentration ,attention and impulse control. People with ADD are
prone to impulsive behavior, creativity and spontaneous acts partly because
their prefrontal cortex do not have total mastery over their rabbit brain –
amygdala hypothalamus hippocampus – that mediate our stress responses.
In essence when
phylogenetically the youngest brain region, the smartest, the homosapien
advantage over more ancient brain regions ADD. With age most of us become ADD
because of a less efficient prefrontal cortex. Dopamine is the fuel of
prefrontal cortex. It's understandable that dopamine also activates the rabbit
brain. This may explain some of the complications from medications that
increase dopamine such as Adderall and Ritalin. Here is my list.
Prevent head injuries. Ban boxing.
Eliminate any sport
that promotes head shots . Even one is too many.
Medications that increase dopamine in prefrontal
cortex are effective. There is theoretical reason to think TMS that could
precisely target prefrontal cortex may be of help. Current technology lacks MRI
guided systems.
Avoid any therapy that involves groups and lots
of talking. They make things worse.
Tutoring and individualized pharmacotherapy
sensitive to other coexisting conditions are of essence.
7.The 4 Best Ways To Protect Your Child From
Alcohol And Drug Abuse
Science says all substance abuse problems or complications
of other brain disorders
Thanks to the advances in neuroimaging technologies we know
today that substance overuse problems develop as complications of often
brain dysfunction.
Traditional psychiatry does not differentiate between disease and
disease complication and instead defines them as comorbid conditions . Sadly
millions of people with underlying brain
disorders are misdiagnosed as suffering
from substance abuse and receive inappropriate treatment. Below is my list for
Avoid head injuries. Do not let your children
participate in any sport to risk concussions for any kind of head trauma. Even
one punch or a soccer ball striking a fragile brain is a harmful. The more Tom
was the greater the risk. The four best ways Let's learn from NFL players and
Actively diagnose and treat anxiety, excessive
worry, compulsions ,depression and chronic pain. They all lead to substance
abuse. And worse their traditional treatments with AA and NA cause more damage
than help.
Teach responsible drinking from an early age on.
Do not ban alcohol. Help kids learn how to drink and how to pace.
Teach them the connection between brain function and blood alcohol
concentration. Help your public officials politicians and most importantly the
good people of law reinforcement learn more about brain disorders.
4 Dismiss misinformation from the Department of Justice,, DEA CDC and
unscientific groups such as AA ,NA that promote interventions that are not
based upon evidence-based medicine.
8.The 4 Best Ways To Prevent Your Child From Becoming
A Terrorist Mass Murderer
says most killers suffer from treatable brain disorders
the past half-century we have learned a lot about suicidal killers or mass
murderers . Thanks to the advances in neuroimaging technologies we know that in
general young adults or people who commit violent crimes suffer from specific abnormalities that influence their
behavior. And in general their shared brain dysfunction involves the prefrontal
cortex is specific brain region beneath forehead. Below is my list for
Avoid head injuries. Do not let your children participate in any sport
that risks concussions are a kind of trauma. Even one punch on a soccer ball
striking a fragile brain is harmful. The more brain injuries ,the greater the
risk. Let's learn from NFL players and boxers.
Actively prevent and treat anxiety, excessive worry, depression,
psychosis, sleep apnea and chronic pain. They all cause brain damage.
Dismiss government propaganda or unscientific reports from the
department of justice, DEA, CDC, AA or NA as substance abuse causing mental
illness or terrorism.
Spend time with your kids. Listen to them. Do not give them advice. Try
to understand them. Engage in a dialogue.
Treat them, the same way you should deal with a sick puppy.
9.The 4 Best Ways To Treat
Evidence-based medicine
says most Depressions are complications of often undiagnosed brain disorders.
Recent studies elucidated the governing influence of
prefrontal cortex in the pathogensis and treatment of depression. Of importance
is the discovery that in general depression is a complication of many other
brain conditions. Even the worst genetically inherited depressions the original
defect is amygdala dysfunction with heightened sensitivity to fear and stress.
Treating depression means normalizing prefrontal cortex function. The brain
region right beneath fohead. The anatomical regions # 8,9,10,42 are crucial to
maintain normal executive function and mood. Below is my list of treatment.
Physical fitness: maintain the best possible physical fitness to
enhance improved oxygenation of prefrontal cortex.
Recognize and treat the underlying regional brain injury. Chronic pain,
sleep apnea, excessive worry, chronic
stress ,cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, strokes are the most common
Increase exposure to sunlight. With caution may use tanning machines.
TMS especially if it's targeted properly and precisely (MRI assisted
technologies) are the safest and most effective treatment. One drawback for current TMS efficacy is lack of precision
in targeting PFX.
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