Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Zero presidential lies to prevent man-made disasters

                           Doctors For Equal Rights For Physical And Mental Pain
        8409 Carlynn Dr. to cause Bethesda, MD 20817               alensalerian@gmail.com
       Founding members Siobhan Reynolds Kevin Byers Vanessa Mullin Alen J Salerian

 Zero Presidential Lies To Prevent Man-Made Disasters
History suggests man-made disasters have grown in size since ancient times..
Alen J Salerian MD
February 24, 2015

    Not a day passes without man-made threats to destroy  some or all the people  on earth. Historically the magnitude of man-made  destruction has shadowed  the technological advances by mankind.
     The battles between ancient Greeks and Persians appear much smaller in the aftermath of  the  world wars. Not many students of modern warfare would perceive Alexander the great's conquests or even the wars after the discovery of gunpowder  as  terribly destructive. 
  The good news is all man-made disasters  have essential properties that can be explained by neurobiology  and physics.  Patrick Lorenz theory of complex systems, Thomas Kuhn hypotheses about paradigm shifts in scientific progress and recent  biological discoveries such  as  quorum  sensing  and size as  crucial determinants for all living things. A little known observation by Salerian that institutional integrity matters in life  may also be important.
   Collectively  our collective knowledge may illuminate a new path to prevent man-made disasters.      What  do those fancy  concepts  that govern all living and nonliving things in universe mean? 
  Size matter means big fish eat small fish. Big fish evolve to  become humans with large and complex brains.
    It takes a minimum number of humans with large and complex brains to control and govern billions of other humans and creatures.
  A small group of men with large and complex brains could resist any changes in the status quo .  Any  major discovery clashing with the status quo would be perceived as hostile threats. When ordinary brains  make advances through  democracy   to introduce new discoveries  tensions  would arise. This is where institutional integrity becomes crucial so that deception does not delay human progress. And this is why it becomes important for the US presidents not to mislead the world about important matters.
   Institutional integrity suffered immensely  in 1963 when  president Johnson declared war on Vietnam.   Fifty thousand Americans and one and half million Vietnamese perished.  When another president misled the world about Saddam's mass weapons of destruction , the cracks of American institutional integrity grew larger.
   There were other red flags. 
   Some involved the banking system and the Wall Street. Some others involved the persecution of 20,000 American doctors with false alarms and spying.
      Center of Disease Control (CDC) declared a false alarm: an epidemic of deaths from prescription pain medication overdoses. The vital statistics were tweaked  to broadcast fear  at the expense of millions of people with chronic mental and physical pain. The fact that 20,000 of the best and the brightest of American minds were quietly imprisoned without much noise was not a good sign for  democracy, free press or institutional integrity.
  The prevention of future man-made disasters depend on the following four principles:
1. Institutional integrity
2. Zero tolerance for presidential lies
3 .Institutional integrity

4 .Zero tolerance for presidential lies

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